When your relationship has lost it's mojo...

No love, no intimacy, constant arguments...and you start wondering,

Is it time to divorce?

This is where I can help!

Not your usual "Talk Therapy", but a new way of looking at

relationship counselling.

Yes it might be time to divorce - but it also might be time to shift your old patterns.

This relationship coaching is for you if:

You've tried relationship counselling before and nothing changed

Your partner doesn't want to commit to counselling

(you CAN make massive changes in the Solo Couples Counselling Program)

You are uncertain and fearful of your next steps in your relationship

You face constant arguments and conflict in your relationship

You want to make things work for the family

You want to bring back your identity in your relationship

What Other's Say....


I don't know whether to stay in my relationship, can you help me?

Absolutely! For so many couples, knowing what's the right decision to make is hard.

This is what Relationship Counselling is for.

It's my job to help you (either alone or with your partner) uncover that and pull out the truth of where you are and what you truly want to do in life.

Word of warning - it's my job to boost your confidence so much that YOU decide what you want to do for you. This doesn't always mean staying. This can also be starting fresh. But the choice becomes clearer for you to make.

Does relationship counselling work?

This gets asked a lot! And really, the question turns into - what's the definition of "work"?

If by work, we mean...

  • Will you feel confident to make the decision that's right for you? Then yes, it works.

  • Will you feel more love for yourself and therefore others? Then yes, it works.

  • Are you going to be more in control of your reactions, your communication, your ability to handle conflict? Yes!

As a coach with expertise in psychology and behaviour, I quickly get to the root of the problem and guide you into shifting these patterns with new ways of communicating and treating each other.

Does it guarantee that your relationship will become exactly what you want? No. Because there are 2 parties involved.

Does it guarantee that you (and for couples who participate in the program together - both of you!) will feel clearer on your direction, your outcomes and your desires? Yes!

And for those couples committed to doing the work, you'll be amazed at what you can do to shift the passion, the fun, the connection in your relationship.

What's your guarantee?

Following all steps in the program and in the trainings will give you the techniques to completely transform your relationship.

BUT - just as you can't hire a personal trainer and expect them to do the weights for you and for you to see the results - I do not have a magic wand! You need to complete the program as outlined to see the results.

I will kick your a$$ when needed and ultimately -

You are responsible for showing up and putting in the work. If you don't use the techniques, you won't see any changes!

I can't guarantee your relationship will become perfect and long-lasting.

What I guarantee, is you will feel more amazing about YOURSELF and your life - no matter what's going on around you.

What's the cost?

I am passionate about helping anyone from all backgrounds and all budgets to access advice and guidance in context of love and relationships. As a former single-mum, I know I couldn't afford coaching and therapy when I was struggling to put food on the table for my kids!

For this reason I give out as much content as I can for FREE! (see my socials for this!)

I want you all to succeed in your relationships.

I run many free and super-cheap workshops you can attend.

Group workshops are aimed at remaining an affordable price for you to attend and get huge value from the programs.

Private relationship counselling varies in price, depending on individual/couples needs, goals and wants.

I work closely with a beautiful company that help finance clients who know the power of investing in their relationships. Payment plan options can start from as little as $40 a week! (and that's like...roughly, 5 coffees a week?!)

For many couples, investing in improving their relationship comes too late - and they're staring at the possibility of expensive divorce lawyers and courts...compared to this, relationship counselling is cheap!!

I've heard a quote once from a male motivational speaker that made me chuckle -


I encourage you to reach out for options.

Let's chat to make a plan together xx

We don't have much time - how much work is there?

Yes, fitting ANOTHER thing in to your busy schedule can seem crazy. I agree! The work we do together is about clearing your life to make things easier.

We can design a plan for the program that works for you/you both.

See the options for programs and courses to see the possibilities.

What is different about your couples counselling?

There are many differences that I use in my programs compared to traditional counselling.

1) NLP

As a Master Practitioner and Trainer, I use techniques from NLP = Neuro Linguistic Programming (I know, what a name, right!!)

NLP helps us identify what you're doing in your head, the patterns that you've developed over years of functioning - then changes those patterns to serve you better.

2) Time Line Therapy ®

For 20+ years I carried around trauma from my childhood. 20+ years of traditional talk therapy, seeing Psychologists, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, even studying Psychology myself...and never managed to clear my triggers from my experiencing sexual abuse.

I was sick and tired of talking about it and re-living it!!

Then I experienced Time Line Therapy ®!

It is a process that allows you to clear yourself from crappy experiences and memories - without you even having to tell me what they are!! Imagine that - a process that doesn't require MORE talking about what went wrong!?

For many clients, Time Line Therapy ® leaves them feeling lighter and more in control of their emotions and decisions in their relationships - and life!!

3) Solo Couples Counselling

You CAN work alone!

One of the biggest differences is that I work with individuals in the context of their relationship.

If one party finds the idea of couples counselling aversive - that's ok.

You can make MASSIVE differences from one person alone.

As I did - see my story in the About Me section.

Read My Blog

Leaving Your 9-5

I Quit! 7 Signs Now Is The Time To Give The Middle Finger To Your Job

May 28, 20235 min read

“We spend most of our lives working. So why do few people have a good time doing it? ”

- Richard Branson -

If you are working a 9-5 and you're feeling stuck in a rut, chances are you're feeling the pull to do something completely different. And chances are, you feel if you don't make the changes now, you'll always regret it.

Whatever reason you started that job in the first place, there comes a point when you decide enough is enough - knowing you deserve better and life is for living.

8 Reasons

Here are 7 signs you need to make big changes TODAY!👊

1. You dread a Monday

 As in, you really dread a Monday morning - you feel physically sick when someone mentions the week ahead. It's a fairly normal state to love time off and the weekend feels, but if this is an intense feeling of anxiety and depression, as if there's nothing good to look forward to, then it could be a massive sign you need to re-consider your job choices.

"Jan" used to feel her anxiety building from a Sunday afternoon. She became so misaligned with her workplace, that the thought of the week ahead sent her into a spiral of depression and nerves.

2. You spend all week looking forward to the Friday

Now, this isn't the same as "I love spending time with the family and catching up with my friends" type idea but more "OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE SLOWEST WEEK EVER AND I'M GOING TO DIE IF I DON'T GET TO FRIDAY SOON" type idea. A bit like, every day you drag yourself out of bed, you feel the weight of the work day heavy on your shoulders, the stretch of the hours in front of you getting longer and longer - until, that is, it's a Friday and you suddenly have a spring in your step.

(Add an extra point here if your work colleagues have even started noticing how different you are on a Friday!! 😬)

3. You've lost the passion

You may have started in your job full of enthusiasm and now, where has that gone? Those moments that used to light you up and get you excited, perhaps a new project, new job title or promotion...are nowhere to be seen. Kaput! Vanished! You can't be bothered to do the easiest parts of the job and simply are going through the motions, feeling it's more of a pressure and burden than anything enjoyable.


"Amy" used to love her job. She was creative over weekends, coming up with new plans, new projects, ways to improve her team and their work together. Over the years, with frustrations and knocks to her performance and ideas, she became less inclined to come up with new ideas. It wasn't long before she stopped thinking up anything useful at work at all - and management didn't even notice! Once this passion had gone completely, she knew it was time to make a change.

4. You long for your holiday

This one has high relevance to me as I was teaching and just keeping my constant attention on the end of term. This was fine when we were in the final weeks and I was full of excitement to be getting closer to a break...but I knew I was on a downward spiral when being mid-way tough the term I'd feel physically sick as how far the holidays were away.

If you're constantly thinking about your next holiday and booking these in advance to 'get through' the work weeks, this could be a real danger sign that it's time to make a change.

5. Your work environment feels toxic

Working in a toxic environment is not as uncommon as you'd think! Whether there's been a change in management and leadership, or a new work colleague that is causing you grief - being in a toxic environment is not healthy and not worth putting up with. No matter how stuck you feel - you are always one decision away from changing your whole life.

6. You're only there for the money

Oooooooo money money money! If I had a dollar for every client who has used the "it pays well" as the main reason as to why they are staying at a miserable job...I'd be an extremely wealthy woman (how ironic, when we're in the money section!)

The safety net of money (or apparent safety net!) is a complete farce. When you're working and earning good money, the pull to stay in that job is strong. However, if there is nothing more than 'it pays well' when you describe the good points of the job, it may just be the time to reconsider your options.

Money Mindset Mastery is part of the High Performers course because money holds such a knot of anxiety for many of clients. Changing the story and the hold money has over you is liberating - and one main reason that many decide to start their own business after-all.

"Claire" had the biggest money blocks when we started working together. Working in her corporate job since her 20's, she was on a high salary, with savings and a hefty mortgage and nice car. The idea of starting her own coaching business terrified her. By changing the stories she has around money, Claire got clear on her strategy to leave her 9-5 and finally do what she loved.

7. You've increased your drinking habits

I am not a 'we all must stop drinking' kinda coach. I am a 'what are your reasons behind drinking' kinda one though. I talk from personal experience. I used to drown my sorrows daily with a wine...well, one, two, three, sometimes four glasses a night. Because I was stressed. Because I wanted to escape the memory of the day and the expectations of the following day. Unless it was a Friday night and I was celebrating it was a Friday! Woo hoo!!

What I do know, is that for many clients who are at breaking point and ready to make big changes in their life, the amount of alcohol consumption goes up. OR (and this is a big one) you start to feel a loss of control in the amount you're drinking, wondering perhaps if it's becoming a need or a must.

*clients names changed for confidentiality purposes

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With a degree in Psychology and now as an NLP Master Coach and Trainer, Pam is here to help clients quit their 9-5 and live the life they have always dreamed of.

Pam Reid

With a degree in Psychology and now as an NLP Master Coach and Trainer, Pam is here to help clients quit their 9-5 and live the life they have always dreamed of.

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